Your Employees Need More Cowbell
Let me take you on a journey to discover the power of the cowbell and the collective activity of making noise as a group.
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Destress your entire workforce by allowing them to pop bubbles
Yes, proven faster than meditation without the “likelihood of paradoxical anxiety effects” which meditation can cause, popping bubble wrap had the following positive effects, “significantly more energized, less tired, and more calm” on subjects of a study.
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Merging Corporate Cultures when companies buy companies
Best practices to merge corporate culture.
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Calling all Leaders -- Time to dig in now and ready your employees!
A look at Tomorrow’s technology and corporate culture changes to survive.
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The Big Labour issue in Canada and solutions for your corporation
It has never been tougher to find good employees in Canada. There are some things which can help your company find good labour, you will have to act now to benefit or risk the growth of your company.
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Pets in the workplace, good or bad for business?
With the return to workplaces and employers looking to provide more flexible work environments, should pets at work be added to the mix?  It has been viewed in movies for years, the new tech startup with the owners dog in toe as the owner makes the rounds.  You may have already experienced this at your own place of work or in other businesses where pets are already a part of the team.But does allowing pets into the workplace really provide benefits?We will look a little closer at the r...
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Top 5 killer tips to power sell your ideas
For some reason many people think to “sell” something is in some way a form of coercion. It somehow pushes a person into doing something they don’t want to do.  Some people feel selling is bad.This thinking is wrong… and thinking this way really is bad for all involved.You see, to “sell” something is to help someone become informed and help them with a decision.Here is a scenario where the person thinks “selling” is bad:Limbani works on a pro...
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​​​​​​​I researched it!
I researched it!There is fear and distrust in these words. Businesses have a real opportunity to rebuild trust and remove fear in employees and break the cycle of distrust. I hear the phrase, “I researched it”, often these days from people from all walks of life. It is a way for people to be comfortable that what they are talking about is real.  With information available and easier to access, there is no wonder why I hear the phrase, “I researched it” much more...
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Build corporate culture while smacking down inflation for employees
Inflation or not, be creative with employee plans and win.Yes, current inflation provides a big competitive advantage for your company if you are creative. You see, most companies will immediately head to the tried-and-true tool for their employees and that is wage increases.  Well at least the companies which have the funds.  You should look at your options with wage increases but only as a part of a complete inflation beating, culture growth, productivity strategy. So if you wan...
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Who Moved the Corporate Ladder?
Are you working in a place where there is no clear path for advancement? Or worse, because of who you are there never was a path at all for advancement? Part of the "broken ladder" problem starts with diversity in the places we work. This is part of the problem you must be aware of.But what if nothing changes, how do you get ahead? We suggest a path to follow with some tactics to take. We also provide some guidance for leaders in organizations. Broken LadderThere is a “broke...
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