Destress your entire workforce by allowing them to pop bubbles

Man popping Bubble Wrap

Destress your entire workforce by allowing them to pop bubbles

Yes, proven faster than meditation without the “likelihood of paradoxical anxiety effects” which meditation can cause, popping bubble wrap had the following positive effects, “significantly more energized, less tired, and more calm” on subjects of a study1.

Okay, first, who knew that meditation could actually cause anxiety?  Certainly not me. That’s a topic for another time.

Now, really though, it seems a simple thing like popping bubbles does have a positive de-stressing effects according to a study1 done in the 90’s.  According to a post2 on the study it goes even further to explain why this may be the case.


The post cites the following from the study:

“[S]o it could be that little nervous motions like finger tapping or foot jiggling — or Bubble Wrap popping! — are ways of releasing that muscle tension, which helps reduce the feeling of stress”


Hold on a minute. There is another bubble popping study3 which found “there was a difference in mean State Anxiety scores between the two groups, with the control group having a lower mean than the experimental group, which was contrary to our expectation.”  Yes, the bubble poppers had a higher state of anxiety.


So, the question is to pop or not to pop?


I look at it this way.  Popping is a fun activity and fun is always good.  If it does have the stress relief effects along with it, what a bonus. Also, if it creates more energy as well, then we should all be popping away.


But really, it isn’t practical to carry a sheet of bubble wrap around with us.  Also, a sheet will eventually run out, so what can we do?


I searched into our fantastic pool of quality products and found the perfect solution.


It’s called the PowerPop. A satisfying bubble popper keychain. The PowerPop keychain provides silicone bubbles for popping all day long.  As a bonus, throw your corporate logo on the keychain and give to all your employees, customers, and anyone else who you want to provide a little fun and stress relief to.


You will see the positive impact of this simple product in the smiles of your employees, customers and everyone else you give the PowerPop to.


You can find the PowerPop here.


Please do reach out to our team at Durham Promotional Products for items like this or other creative solutions to engage and connect with your workforce and customers.  We excel at creating smiles, increasing productivity, and providing overall stronger corporate cultural bonds with our creative solutions.



1. “Popping Sealed Air-Capsules to Reduce Stress”, Kathleen M. Dillon 1992

2. “The science behind why popping bubble wrap is so addictive”, David Elkin 2015

3. “Could popping air capsules affect state anxiety?”, K A Taylor 1994

4. “PowerPop : Satisfying Bubble Popper”, Durham Promotional Products 2023

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