​​​​​​​I researched it!

I Researched It

I researched it!

There is fear and distrust in these words. Businesses have a real opportunity to rebuild trust and remove fear in employees and break the cycle of distrust. 

I hear the phrase, “I researched it”, often these days from people from all walks of life. It is a way for people to be comfortable that what they are talking about is real.  With information available and easier to access, there is no wonder why I hear the phrase, “I researched it” much more.

But why do people have to “research it”?

Don’t they trust what they hear?

No they don’t!


According to Edelman, a reported global communications firm which created the Global Trust Barometer, global institutional trust is at an all time low.

Edelman performs an annual online study for the last 22 years and the 2022 report was based on 28 countries, 36,000+ respondence and 1,150+ respondents per country. The study reports on trust related to Government, Media, Business and NGOs.

Find the whole report here, and I do encourage you to dig into it: https://www.edelman.com/sites/g/files/aatuss191/files/2022-01/2022%20Edelman%20Trust%20Barometer%20FINAL_Jan25.pdf

I don’t think we need a study to tell us institutional trust is at an all time low, but the numbers do highlight some interesting opportunities and calls to action for businesses.


The following are some highlights I find particularly interesting for businesses:

  • Businesses are the most trusted of the institutions (pg 5)
  • My CEO is a trusted source and higher than other CEO’s by 17% (pg 14)
  • Not as high as others but 63% feel business leaders “are purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false or gross exaggerations” (pg 15)
  • Believe that “My family will be better off in five years’ time” only 34% in Canada
  • My Employers own media is the most trusted ( pg 28)
  • CEO’s are expected to be the face of change (pg 29)
  • A call for businesses to do more engagement with societal issues (pg 33)

Business Opportunities

You will find opportunities in the highlighted finding above.

Following are some thoughts about how you could address some of the negative findings in the report and turn them into positive results for your employees and your business:

  1. Become a source of hope for your employees by proving your business will provide a better life for their families
  2. Select a societal issue or several societal issues to address and act on these issues
  3. Create a fact-based communication approach and execution plan to address issues which are close to your employees

Bigger Societal Opportunity

Your business has the chance to break the cycle of distrust in the world and put more smiles on the faces of the people near and far.

Here’s the takeaway

Take on these challenges head on and I can see people flocking to your business. Also, instead of people saying “I researched it”, you will hear “your business name here, told me…”. Nice!


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